Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere Whakamua

Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward


I am learning 


I can...


I am learning to write, recognise and sound letters.

I can shape and write letters correctly.

I can recognise the initial letter of a word.

I can sound the initial letter.

ABC uppercase and lowercase

Know high frequency words

Read and write high frequency words

Recording letter symbols and then on to recording actual letters in response to sounds they hear in words.

Ideas 1P (1,2)

I am learning how to write simple ideas with some basic elaboration.

I am  learning to draw a picture about my idea.

I can talk about and share my ideas with a friend/group/class

I can think about what I want to write

I can draw a picture of what I want to say I can explain some of my ideas with simple details

  • Real life learning experiences

  • Draw and tell/news plan

  • KWL chart

  • Graphic organizers

  • Daily language experience – Visits outside to the park, bringing visitors to class, Oral experiences around the school community 

I am learning to write a simple sentence.

I can use the high frequency words to write a simple sentence.

Practice the exercises during guided reading.

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Term 4 Week 2