2021 MATHS


Achievement Objectives for the Year

Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere Whakamua

Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward

Achievement Objectives:


Emergent One to one counting 

Number strategies: Use a range of counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies with whole numbers and fractions

Number Knowledge: Know the forward and backward counting sequences of whole numbers to 100.

Know the groupings with five, within ten, and with ten. 

Counting from One on Material and by Imaging

Number strategies: Use a range of counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies with whole numbers and fractions

Number Knowledge: Know the forward and backward counting sequences of whole numbers to 100.   

Know the groupings with five, within ten, and with ten          

Equation and Expression: Communicate and explain counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies, using words, numbers and pictures.


Patterns and Relationship:  Generalise that the next counting number gives the result of adding one object to a set and that counting the number of objects in a set tells how many.


PATTERNS AND RELATIONSHIPS: Create and continue a sequential pattern


Shape: sort objects by their appearance

Describe the shape or object  attributes

Position and Orientation:  give and follow instructions that involve distances, directions, half or quarter turns

Describe their position relative to a person or object 

Order and compare objects by direct comparison or counting whole numbers by units

Transformation:  Communicate and record results of translation, rotation and symmetry on a plane

MEASUREMENT:  Order and compare objects or events by length, volume and capacity, mass, temperature and time

STATISTICS :  Conduct an investigation by posing and answering questions, gathering, sorting and counting, displaying and discussing results.

Interpret statements made by orders from statistical investigations and probability activities

Investigate situation that involve elements of chance acknowledging and anticipating possible outcomes.   

TERM 2 Maths Plan

Number- Emergent One to One Counting


I am learning to…...


I can….


I can ….


Recognise and identify numbers in the range 1 to 10

Read numerals 1 to 10

Say numbers 1 to 10 forward and backward

Count number of objects in a set up to 10

Count all numbers in the range 1-10

Count Forward and backward count from 1-10

How many things are here……

Point or show number….

Write the number…..

Using objects to count….

Sequence numbers in the range 1-10 ordered accurately

Read numerals 1 to 10

Recognise numerals 1 to 10

Order the numbers 1-10, objects 1-10

Counting 1 to 10 with fingers

Identify the number before and after

Count numerals 1-10

Count Forward and backward count from 1-10

Count my fingers correctly from 1-10

Understand the language of before and after, one more or one less

Two is after One….

Two is before Three…

“One more to two is three”

“One less to three is two”

How many now…

Counting as we go…. Using objects (counters, sticks)

Show how many steps…..

Learn the word  “before” and “after”, one more and one less.

Match the object/s with the number

Form a set of… 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Quickly match the object with the number

Count one to one number recognition

Form sets of...

Show me a set of…..

Pick out the number ….

Forward and backward counting

Recognise patterns formed for numbers 1-10

Read dots on the dominoes

Read and count number of objects presented

Read number patterns

Count how many dots on the 10 frames

Count how many beads...

Creating number of patterns using materials-- beads, counters, sticks

Counting from one on Materials and by Imaging


I am learning to…...


I can….


I can….


Add and subtract problems  that involve numbers one to five by physically counting all objects from one

Count the objects by counting from one and then adding the remaining object.

Count all the objects then physically take away the objects to be taken out, then count the remaining object/s.

Understand the meaning of add, subtract, total, remaining, and sum.

Recall facts of five and within five

Recognise family of facts of five

Counting forward and backward from 1-10

One to one imaging---

Using counters,  sticks, beads, fingers etc.

2 + 3 

1 + 3

4 – 2 

5 - 0

Double numbers 1-5

Double the numbers 1-5 by counting from one the objects

1 + 1= or 1 and one more

2+2 = or 2 and 2 more, 

3+3= or 3 and 3 more.

4+4= or 4 and 4 more.

5+5= or 5 and 5 more.

Recall facts of five and within five

Group 2 sets of  2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s

Use materials to show my understanding of doubling 1-5

materials imaging






Equal sharing

Add and subtract problems  that involve numbers 1 to 10  by physically counting all objects from one

Count the objects by counting from one and then adding the remaining object.

Count all the objects then physically take away the objects to be taken out, then count the remaining object/s.

Understand the meaning of add, subtract, total, remaining, and sum.

Work out maths problems on my own

Count all numbers in the range 1-10

Count Forward and backward count from 1-10

Recall facts of 10 and within ten

Family of facts of 1-10

3 + 4 

2 + 6 

7 – 5 

9 – ☐ = 7

One to one imaging---

Using counters,  sticks, beads, fingers etc.

Finger counting

Frog jumps…

Groups of object together and find the total up to 10

Different ways in Making 10

Pattern and Relationship


I am learning to...


I can…...

Knowledge being developed

I can...

Teaching Ideas

Use a range of counting,

Grouping and equal sharing strategies with whole numbers and fractions

Count forward and back with fingers and objects

Group objects together and find the total

Group objects and find how many leftovers

Use counting back, forward, double counting, and skip counting.

Family of facts 1-10 and extend to 11-20

Adding and subtracting counters or with hands

Practice mental calculation with sums up to 5,  10 and 20

Able to solve unknown addend

Create and continue sequential pattern

Learning even and odd numbers

Count in twos, group object in twos or in pairs

Counting in twos

Pairing or doubling 1-10

Create patterns using objects, colour and shapes.

Concept of even number--

They’re neater that way’, ‘There’s no extra ones sticking out’, ‘The rows are equal’, ‘They’re in pairs’,

GEOMETRY: shape, position and orientation

Learning Intentions

I am learning to...

Success Criteria

I can….

Knowledge being developed

I can….

Teaching Ideas


Sort objects by their appearance

Sort and classify objects by their characteristics such as shape, colour,size, weight, temperature and texture.

classify the objects into categories

discuss differences and likenesses 

Describe attributes in their own language

Using the language of sides and corner

Learn different 2D shapes- oblong, triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon and octagon

Learn different basic colours

Position and orientation

Use language of direction to describe the route in a maze or position

use the language of direction to describe the route through a maze

use the language of direction to guide a partner through a maze

rotate their body and other objects through 1/4 and 1/2 turns

follow a sequence of directions

describes the position of an object

follow and give directions involving 1/2 and 1/4 turns

follow and give a sequence of instructions related to movement and position

follow a sequence of directions

describe where objects are using the language of position-- L or R, straight ahead, turn L or R etc

give and follow instructions using the language of position and direction

Learning position language-- on beside, at near, back, under, beside, middle, in front 

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Term 4 Week 2