Saturday, July 24, 2021


 JULY 25 2021

Kia Ora!  Welcome to Term 3.

I hope you had a great break. Are you excited to start the new term?

I know the children will be, they will return with smiling faces and eager to be at school with friends and ready for learning!

I am excited for this term too, new children will be joining our class and our class number will  increase: maybe by the end of Term 3,  we might be a full class.  The dynamics and class organisation of A6 will change.

What are we learning in Term 3?

In Writing,  our focus will be on recount and informational text. Students will explore fiction and non fiction books with readers (level reading books) and also  books teacher will share in class. In Reading, children will read with expression, with great emphasis on punctuation,  and highlighted words in the text. We will focus on the strand of listening and speaking, 'tracking the speaker' and asking question about the text for clarification and further learning.

In Reading, children will recognise more words and letter patterns from their level book readers. Parents are encouraged to read along with their child every evening for fluency and learning new words. Allow them to read aloud, pointing their fingers as they read.  It is helpful to go over with your child the high frequency words they are learning.  Check the spelling list they are learning for the week and for some new words they are learning for phonics. Always check their book bag. Your child's progress depends on the input you give daily.

In Mathematics, we will focusing on counting, number patterns, place value, number lines, ordering numbers, adding and subtracting 1-10, adding and subtracting 1-20, number before and after 1-20, 2D shapes features and characteristics, measurement strand as to weight, length and time.  We regularly have a counting session before each Maths lesson, it is an essential building block of knowledge of number names and number system. Towards the end of Term 3, we will explore counting up to 50.

In Religious Education, the main focus is on the Strand of Communion of Saints, that is on the Blessed Mother Mary-- the Annunciation and Feast of Assumption, her life with Jesus and Joseph, Mary's great qualities as a mother of God.  We will also look into the other lives of Saints and Social Justice.

In inquiry or topic--- in Science, the topic is about Solar System and Earth our planet. For Technology, we will explore and demonstrate ways we can turn a shoe box into a useful entertainment, a game to enjoy and learning to appreciate. And lastly for Health,  we will look into the aspects of fitness, personal hygiene, good manners and good habits and respect and responsibilities.

Every Friday is Fun Friday.  In the morning we try to finish all the basic subjects-- Reading, Writing and Maths and from 11:30 onwards, we explore the Arts or Physical Education.


  • Please  ensure your child has the correct stationery--- as to book, pencils, white board markers, diary, etc. I have approached parents to change their child's stationery and follow what the school has listed.  As for new parents, make sure your child has the correct stationery when they start school. This will help your child transition to the routines and organisation of the class.  Make sure to mark all items and belongings with your child's name.
  • All children should be in correct uniform, specially the shoes and socks ( only white and grey socks please for boys, and black leggings or tights or grey socks for girls). Please ensure jumpers and jackets are named and when not in use, it should always be in their bag.... for it is so costly. It is helpful to check their belongings everyday--- lunchbox, clothing and book bag ( for notices, books to read with whanau and their weekly spelling list to learn). Always write a comment/s on their diary.
  • Session times---our doors open at 8:30 and school starts promptly at 8:50.  Attendance and punctuality is important.  If you are late in the morning, please go to the front desk at the Reception and the Admin staff will attend to you. Remember your child will be marked late. If your child is sick and unable to go to school please ring the school in the morning.
  • Emergency Alert-- if your child is asthmatic please could you ensure that they have an inhaler, labelled with their name, in school at all times! If your child is receiving ongoing treatment or medication please let the school know, we can help you. It is also important that school have a copy of their care plan too- thank you for your cooperation.

Meeting with the Teacher

If you need to talk to me, the class teacher, I am available at the beginning and end of each day.  Sometimes I may not be able to talk as I have other commitments, you can always make an appointment.  Let us make communication open.

Matariki update, Term 2 Week 10

 July 25, 2021

The whole school had Matariki showcase, our learning about Matariki.  A5 and A6 were proud to present  their work and learning---




Term 4 Week 2