Social Science

Identity, Culture & Organisation 

Students learn about society and communities and how they function. They also learn about the diverse cultures and identities of people within those communities and about the effects of these on the

participation of groups and individuals.

Inquiry Approach 

Students ask questions, gather information, ideas and current issues, 

explore and know people’s values and attitudes and actions, 

reflect on the understandings they have developed 

Achievement Objective 

Children will gain knowledge, skills and experience to: 

- Understand how belonging to groups is important to people. 

- Understand how the past is important to people.

Learning Intentions

I am learning to explain--

  • What Matariki is

  • Why is Matariki celebrated in NZ?

  • How do we celebrate Matariki?

Success Criteria

Express understanding of what is Matariki---

  • When is Matariki?

  • Why do we celebrate Matariki?

  • Name different ways how Matariki is celebrated

  • Listen and retell legend stories

Express ideas through art, songs, dance,

story telling, and poem recital

Explain the work they have done---

  • What is it?

  • How did they make it?

  • What is the importance of doing it?


Achievement Objective for Level 1: Listening, Reading and viewing

Acquire and begin to use sources of information, processes, and strategies to identify, form and express ideas.


I am learning to----

  • uses visual for information and meaning and prior knowledge to make sense of

  • a range of text

  • make connections between sections of the text and to their own knowledge

  • and experiences

  • summarise main ideas by retelling the story in own understanding

Learning Activities

View and read different Matariki story

    https://youtu.be/6pfh0ImnPRU      Matariki story

   https://youtu.be/AnAA-ZZHHxU     Child of Aoeteroa

   https://youtu.be/hSh-T2uHpEs      Tiny eyes   ---the story of Matariki

   https://youtu.be/Ml3vwM68Ix8       Daniel Matariki feast

 https://youtu.be/15ZJSuS7Q9s     Maui and the sun

 https://youtu.be/PGcJtQ7OAlQ      Rona and the Moon

Twinkle twinkle little stars poem

Other activities 

   https://youtu.be/5kw4gQ3sMCA    Matariki Macarena


    https://youtu.be/AUabtRqF1tU   Matariki Macarena song

   https://youtu.be/yptZraBayLA     head, shoulders song


Achievement Objectives:

PK Developing Practical Knowledge in Dance 

Students will explore through movement the dance elements of body awareness, space, time,

energy, and relationships.

        Learning Intentions

Explore the element of relationships by copying and sharing simple movement

combinations drawn from nursery rhymes, singing games, action songs, and simple dances.

Make a movement sequence expressing ideas arrived at from listening to a piece of 



PK Developing Practical Knowledge in Music 

Students will explore and respond to the musical elements of beat, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, and tone colour.


         Learning Intentions:

  • Listen and respond to several pieces of recorded or live music that are performed by musicians from within 

the local community or are part of the everyday environment.  

  • Use voices to explore contrasts between sounds (e.g., loud and soft, high and low, long and short, fast and slow) and sing a song.

PK Developing Practical Knowledge in the Visual Arts 

Students will explore elements and principles of the visual arts, using a variety of techniques, tools, materials, processes, and procedures.

         Learning Intention:  

  • Use imagination to create drawings and paintings in response to a story heard. 

  • Explore and use the elements of line and shape in expressive ways and select and mix colours to represent characters and moods in the story.

  • Explore the use of 2D shapes of artist work on starry starry night

Learning Activities

Songs and Dance

   https://youtu.be/5kw4gQ3sMCA    Matariki Macarena


   https://youtu.be/AUabtRqF1tU       Matariki Macarena song

   https://youtu.be/yptZraBayLA        head, shoulders song

Visual Arts: Ideas to work on

Kite- using a brown paper bag         https://youtu.be/szKCjPShCt0

Weaving  a Kite --    https://youtu.be/-wJbzJV_Q5c

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Term 4 Week 2